Thursday, March 19, 2009

Ladies... Beware of the 25 Year Old Male

A 25 year old male can date an 18 year old, he can date a 35 year old, why would he date YOU?

Allow me to enlighten you on the ideal dating situation for a male. Scratch that, for an asshole, selfish male. Ideally, he would love to have many casual relationships with lots of non-committed females while in his twenties… and thirties if he can pull it off. Hell, into the forties, why not? Minimal effort put forth, yet miraculously amazing results. Picture your average rock star or athlete, like that kind of minimal effort.

Maybe he is a little more adventurous beyond "I’m not moving, suck my dick." Doubtful, but maybe he’s more of a James Bond type than a Bret Michaels type. Then life would include maybe dating --- but not exclusiveness, world travel --- but not settling on one location, good standing with each lovely he meets, but nothing more than friendship and sex. Then, after a good run of it all, maybe when he hits 35-40, or whatever age, he will start to slow down…

Age is one of the most important factors in a relationship. Men and women are traditionally spaced in aged when it comes to relationships for good reason… guys like em young… oooooieee! That also brings up another good point, guys mature way later than girls too, for sure.

Dating someone your own age is extremely common, sure. I mean we’re amongst our own age throughout the formative years, surrounded by the same ages basically until the real world. But once we enter this realm of the real world then anything goes. The dating pool becomes larger, and the guy in his mid 20s seems to have the best situation. His spectrum is wide, lots of options, therefore not too much commitment.

Why is he so appealing? I mean, the 25 year old guy is such a dick. The cockiness, the arrogance, the “I don’t give a fuck attitude.” He is still coming off his sweet college days, and just because he can no longer stumble up to a group of girls, just yell “HEY!” and somehow have a threesome with two of them, there is still plenty of opportunities for him in this new magical world.

The average 25 year old is typically still not set career wise, I know I sure was not. So what is a good way to gauge success? Hmmm, maybe sexual conquests will do. Yes, that will do just fine. That does not mean those who are successful in their careers are any better. The ones with their shit together are in fact, more dangerous! He knows he has his shit together! Maybe he will juggle four women at a time, and blame not spending time with her on a busy career. Sweet.

Now a 25 year old woman rarely wants anything to do with any guy younger than her for good reason, plus, girls start to worry in their mid twenties, especially when all their friends start having weddings, scary… mid twenties aren't as much about finding a mate for a guy.

Ever hear this one? She is dating someone her own age, he never gets serious with her, he never talks marriage, kids, anything past what they are doing this weekend. He's kind of depressed, kind of mopey? Man, get ready… he’s about to dump her for a younger girl. What will cure the ol “I’m about to settle down blues?” A 21 year old, that’s who. Then let the process begin again until he cants no mores.

Wilfrid Sheed said it best: “The American male does not reach maturity until he has exhausted all possibilities.”

Scary stuff, I know. I hope your dads tell you shit like that, because they should. Baldness, beer guts, no money and other obstacles making a man unappealing are examples of needs to settle. But the man with the looks and success to back it will go on until he dies. So beware...

Much more to follow...